Girl room before and after

 Room Reveal Video (Before and After):

Hope you guys don't mind seeing something different today. I realize it is a little strange to see a room makeover, decorating idea, interior design video on a hairstyling site! We polled our facebook fans and there were quite a few of you who were interested in seeing the princess's "new" bedroom, so we  decided to do a girly room reveal for you! The Princess has pretty much had the same bedroom decor since she was a baby. So, it is time for a change! (Oh, and hair related... please ignore MY hair in this video lol.  I didn't have time for it the day we filmed this.  So, it is in it's natural state, and not so cute.)

Our Princess chose to go with an owl themed bedroom in pink and green.  So fun and girly! 

This is a cute girls room on a budget, as most of these items were purchased at discount stores.  We found the majority of these decorations at Target in their "Love N Nature" collection. 

Hope you enjoyed our before and after!

Room tour, girl bedroom makeover, owl theme