Feather Chain Braid Hairstyle Tutorial princesshairstyles.com
For today's hairstyle tutorial, we have combined 2 techniques (a feather braid and a chain) to create 2 fun new styles.

The first hair style (shown in the photos above and below) does not require french braiding skills. Yay! If you can do a standard 3 strand feather braid and tie a simple knot, you can do this.  The Princess commented that these braids tied together draping at the back of her head remind her of a fancy lace wedding veil! I have to agree, and can see this working as a bridal hairstyle, or for a flower girl. This style also has a medieval, renaissance, princessy feel to it.

We both love this hairdo, but I would recommend using it only for "low activity" days.  As I'm sure most of you have found, any hairstyle which uses braids laying over the head and connected at the back usually ends up with the hair underneath (and above the braids) trying to escape, tangle, and pop up!  We usually save styles like this for church and other special occasions.

Princess Hairstyles Feather Chain Braid
This second hairstyle idea (shown below) is quicker to make and will hold up much better, but does require some french braiding skills (or lace braiding to be exact.) As the princess is now a "tween" she loves half up styles, as they seem more grown up to her.  I love that the chains add a cute twist to a classic lace braid style. Something unique and a little different is always fun!  I'm thinking adding a few curls to the ends of her hair would be really pretty and add a finishing touch to the hairstyles as well.
Feather Chain Braid Half Up Hair
P.S. Please excuse her damp hair in these pictures.  Both of these styles would obviously look better with dry hair, but we didn't have time to wait for her hair to dry before taking these pics, as we were headed out. ;) We started with wet hair in the first place because the chains are much easier to make while the hair is wet.  Depending on your hair texture, you could try wet hair, or add some product such as gel or pomade before you begin.
Feather Braid With Chain Hairstyle Tutorial

Feather Chain Braid Video Tutorial:

By the way, if you would rather wear your hair up... of course, you could always add a ponytail, braid, or bun to either style!
feather chain braid with braided ponytail