Audrey Hepburn
Audrey Hepburn was one of the original iconic hairstyles. Her celebrity hairstyles were always elegant and refined. During a time when most ladies wore shaped hairstyles, she allowed her hair to appear natural and soft. Her hairstyle helped to shape her identity as a refined and elegant woman.

Twiggy was iconic for many reasons. Some people cite her as being the original rail-thin model. Whether or not this was the case, she was very popular. Twiggy was one of the first celebrities to bring the short, pixie style hair to mainstream society. These celebrity hairstyles were usually quite short. Sometimes the men had longer hair than ladies wearing this style of hair did

One of the most famous fashion icons of the 1980s was Princess Diana. She influenced fashions all over the world. Her hairstyle was actually conservative for that time. The short, no-effort hairstyle that she chose was very attractive to the busy woman. Other celebrity hairstyles were hard to manage, but her style was easy to copy and maintain.
The Beatles
Famous women are not the only ones who have influenced hairstyles. One of the most iconic celebrity hairstyles were worn by the Beatles. They all cut their hair in the exact same way, which other men soon copied for their own style. Michael Jackson was also a large influence on how men cut their hair.