Need something to spice up your regular pony? Well here it is. The Beauty Dep. gave this is a perfect way to style it quickly & sitll looking amazing. Well, unfortunately, I went to my hair stylist a few weeks ago... Looks like my hair was a little bit more damaged than it thought it'll be. So, I finished with a shoulder lenght hair. Oh my, I'm still not used to it, but it seems that it fits me well. And it's better for a change, sometimes is good to jump out from your comfort zone.
Tools: curling iron, clear ponytail holder or a one that matches your haie color, some bobby pins, comb, hairspray.
Start by adding some curl to your hair from more texture. Tie a low ponytail. They made a line from the ear and used the hair on bottom for this. Then divide the top into 3 even sections. After that tease the middle section fir added volume and textures. Twist the middle secion and pin it into the low pony using bobby pins. Tease the side section for more texture. After that twist it back and pin it to the low pony using bobby pins. Repeat the teasing on the other side and, aswell, pin it to the ponytail. Pull a few pieces out aroud your face to soften the look. At the end, put some medium hold hairspray.
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